New Year’s Resolutions and the Code

Many people who made New Year resolutions have already given up on them. This week how about taking a look at the Code and choosing one tenet you want to work on for the next month or two, and then set a goal for yourself with it. The key to succeeding is to set a goal that is achievable, and the way to achieving it is to have achievable daily “small steps.” This is the challenge: to determine how you can spend a few minutes each day, or every other day, working on a bite size task, so that each day you will have the satisfaction of having achieved that task, leading you to make slow but steady progress toward your goal. Nothing breeds success like success, and the more you can set small achievable steps and succeed, the more you will inspire yourself to keep on improving! So, look at the Code and determine just one tenet you would like to focus on. Good luck!

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