Phil Coyne and the Code

Phil Coyne has been an usher for the Pittsburgh Pirates for 81 years.  And now, at age 99, he has decided to retire.   Last year on his birthday the Pirates gave him a special numbered uniform – 99!  He’ll turn 100 in a couple weeks, and except for the need for a cane, he’s as sharp and as enthusiastic as he was for his first game.  Needless to say, he is known by the fans and he knows them.  When the Pirates were at Three Rivers stadium he had to take three buses to get there.  What does the Code have to say about this?  The tenets of the Code have to do with effort, loyalty, commitment, being a part of a team, being a positive influence on those around you and being a positive role model.  These are the things we can all do, no matter what our job or position is.  We may not live to be 99, but what can we learn from Phil?  Who are the men and women in your school, neighborhood, or community who are the “glue” that make a difference?

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