Dusty Baker and the Code

At a news conference announcing his retirement as manager of the Houston Astros, Dusty Baker said two important things. First, he said that whenever he’s been a part of any organization he has tried to leave that organization in better shape than when he arrived. That reflects a general thought that we have all heard, “that we leave the world a better place.” The second thing he said was that he was not sure what the next step would be for him, but that there was some purpose before him to fulfill. How is this like the Code? The Code begins each tenet with “I will…” This means that in our lives we are always purposeful: trying to improve, make a difference, grow in some way. As Dusty tries to figure out the next step for his life, how are you doing? Do you have some short-term and long-term goals? Or are you just going through the motions? Take some time today and think about what the next steps might be for you!

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