The Navy Seals and The Code

In an interview on the news this morning a Navy Seal said that what makes the Seals great is not the physical training, but the results of everything that leads each of them to care more about the others than they do about themselves.  You finally get to the point where “it is not about me, it’s about us.”  That is the goal, of course, for every coach and every team.  It’s also what makes a village, a community and a world.  The Code says, “I will give of my time, skills, and money as I am able for the betterment of my community and world.”  As children we want everything for ourselves, and part of our growing up is being able to live less and less for ourselves, and more and more for something greater than ourselves.  Ask yourself, and your team members, “Where are you?  What are the ways in which you can give yourself more to your team, your school, your friends, your community?”

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