The Auburn tragedy and The Code

At a party a few days ago in Auburn, Alabama, an unknown person showed up at a party, got into an argument with some that were there, and ended up killing three and wounding several others.  Two of those killed were former Auburn football players.  What does the Code say about this tragedy?  Why are there so many headlines about athletes involved in all kinds of behavior that ends up in arrests being made?

The Code says “I will display caring and honorable behavior…”  There is nothing honorable about fighting.  Fighting is not the way we defend our “honor” – although many believe it.  We have matured beyond the belief, for example, that if someone insulted you, you would challenge them to a duel with pistols.  Name calling is not the way we prove we are “tough” – although many believe it.  It takes far more courage to walk away from trouble than to get into it.  Growing up is the process whereby each person develops the courage and the will to do the hard thing (walk away from trouble) rather than the easy thing (get into it).  It is the responsibility of coaches to help their athletes grow up.  Have you talked about this subject with your team?

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