School Shootings and the Code

Everyone is concerned about the shootings that have happened in schools and other public places.  Everyone wants to know what we can do to help prevent such tragedies.  They often are done by someone who has few, if any, friends.  We play on an athletic team, but our school is also a “team.”  The Code says, “I will be a positive influence on the relationships on the team.”  Athletes have a great opportunity to be positive role models on the campus, to do things that build relationships between all different kinds of people who might not otherwise be friends.  This is a challenge, but one that we hope that your team will take seriously.  What can you and your teammates do to build positive relationships with others?  Who are the individuals in your school that you can reach out to in a new way?  Can you identify one or two individuals that you will make a special effort to get to know?  Can you get one of your friends to do this with you?

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