Duck Dynasty and the Code

There has been controversy over some things said by the Phil Robertson of the Duck Dynasty family.  He expressed his opinion that homosexuality is wrong.  Some people agree with him for religious reasons, and others disagree for religious reasons.  Some agree for political reasons, and others disagree for political reasons.  Others just think that we all have the right to say anything we want.  The Code says, “I will respect the dignity of every human being…”  In this country we can call overweight people “fat” people if we want to, and we can do it to their face.  We can call people “stupid” or “spastic” or any other name we want to – it’s freedom of speech.  But it’s not civilized.  And it does not “respect the dignity” of others to call them names.  So, we see this issue as a matter of respect, and good manners.  For liberals, conservatives, or any of the talk radio people to take turns calling each other “idiots” does not do much to advance the well-being of anything.  There is too much name calling in this world, and too little respect for others.  What can we do to show respect for all people – even those we dislike the most?  Is it worth making a New Year’s resolution about?

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