What would you do? …and the Code

“What would you do?”    … if you broke a window and no one saw, or if you told someone you would help him or her, but then had an opportunity  to do something that was more fun – would you still help?  Here’s a true story that just happened: an Italian soccer player, David Astori, was all set to sign a new contract, but it snowed, and so everyone agreed they would sign it a few days later.  But, before that day came, he died of a heart attack.  The owner said that he would honor the new contract – even though it was never signed – and give the money to his wife and child.  Would you have done that?  The Code says, “I will compete within the spirit and letter of the rules of my sport.”  The owner did not have to pay any money, that’s the “letter of the law,” but he did anyway, that’s the “spirit” of what he intended.  The “spirit” is a higher standard.  What are other examples where we are tempted to “get away with something?”

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