The Little Pony and The Code

There is a national story this week about the little boy who was bullied because he had a “Little Pony” bookbag.  Since then, it has also come out that another little boy attempted to commit suicide because he too was bullied for the same thing.

There is a lot of good natured “trash talking” and “teasing” that goes on all the time.  But there is also a fine line between good natured conversation and that which is hurtful.  And the truth is that we do not always know where that line is.  Discuss with your team how we can know when we are being supportive and when we have crossed that line, whether accidentally on or purpose.  What then can we do?

The Code says “…I will take responsibility when I fail to live up to this Code…”  Is it your responsibility to act when you know someone has been hurt – but not by you?  How do you do that?  Do you speak to the victim or to the one who spoke?  Or both?

“I will respect the dignity of every human being… I will be a positive influence…”  How do you find the courage to live out this Code?

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