Jeff, Dave and the Code

The Kansas City Chiefs lineman Jeff Allen was stuck in the snow on his way to the playoff game.  Fortunately, in case you haven’t read this story, a homeless man named Dave was ready to help him, and was able to get Jeff out of his trouble and on his way to the game.  Dave had no idea who Jeff was, but Jeff wanted to thank him and so after the game he used social media to find Dave and to invite him to this week’s championship game.  It’s a feel good story – but it also reminds us that we have opportunities all the time to give a helping hand to someone not expecting it.  We should not just feel good about Dave (who’s still homeless), or Jeff for responding, but should instead use this as a model for ourselves.  Here’s a challenge: see if you can find one opportunity to do something unexpected – a random act of kindness – once a day for a week.  The Code says that, “I will give of my time, skills, and money as I am able for the betterment of my community and world.”

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