Antarctica, The Will to Win, and the Code

While we are thinking holiday thoughts and football playoffs two men are vying to become the first person to walk all the way across Antarctica unassisted in any way.  Colin O’Brady, an American adventure athlete, and Louis Rudd, a captain in the British Army are both attempting this ultimate challenge against the most unforgiving forces of nature.  They are each pulling a 300 pound toboggan with supplies as they trudge their way.  Here is part of a news report:  “After that 4 a.m. wake-up call, with the roaring polar winds rattling his tent, Rudd emerged into another total whiteout.  He plowed ahead for 11 hours covering 18 miles…”

The Code says, “I will give my best effort…”  The will to win, the will to persevere, the will to “give our best effort” is much easier said than done.  There is a difference between making a good, solid, effort and doing our best.  Even when we want to do our best, it is sometimes difficult to summon that effort. How can you think about this?  Can you develop your will, strengthen your will?  Like all things, we think it takes constant effort, it takes a daily commitment to doing our best.  These men are doing what they are doing because they have trained in difficult conditions for a long time.  We have to train and develop our will on a daily basis in order to find that “something extra” when it matters most.  Do you realize that the daily effort you make to develop your skills will also reap the rewards of a more determined will?

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