Mickelson, Graduation and the Code

Phil Mickelson has announced that he’ll skip the U.S. Open in order to attend his daughter’s high school graduation.  Golfers know that the Open is the only major championship that Phil hasn’t won (he’s finished second six times), and so skipping this tournament is not like any other week.  But his daughter’s graduation is more important – and that’s the lesson!  It’s “news” that he’ll skip the Open in favor of his family and his love for his daughter.  There are always things more important than our work, more important than making money or being a success – and those things always have to do with people.  People are the most important “things” in life.  We all talk about our values and talk about the things that matter most – but talk is only words until we live them.  Have you ever faced a situation where people expected you to act in one way, but you chose another?  Where do you see people saying one thing, but often doing something else?  The Code says, “I will place team goals ahead of personal goals.”  The family is a “team,” so Phil is living by the Code and “Winning More Than The Game!”

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