“Giving Tuesday” and the Code

We’re not sure who invented the idea of “Giving Tuesday,” but it was probably a response to all the money that was being spent on “Black Friday,” and more recently, “Cyber Monday.”  Does the Code have anything to say about this?  The Code says, “I will give of my time, skills and money as I am able for the betterment of my community and world.”  Giving money is important, because money is so important to us.  Most of us think donating $10 or $100 is a lot of money, unless we’re spending it to go to a movie or buying new clothes for ourselves!  “Giving Tuesday” provides us an opportunity not just to donate to some charities of our choice, but to step back and ask ourselves how we can also give our “time and our skills” for the betterment of our community and world.  We all want to be “Athletes for a Better World!”

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