Colin Kaepernick and the Code

The big discussion this week has been about Colin Kaepernick, who refused to stand for the National Anthem because of his belief that our country has not being doing enough about the issue of race.  No one disputes that racism exists, and no one disputes Kaepernick’s right to express himself – it’s one of the reasons to stand for the anthem!  The debate is whether what he is doing is appropriate, whether it should be allowed by his team, or the NFL, etc.  We are not going to take sides on this issue – but we are going to assume that most teams are going to have those who agree and those who disagree with Kaepernick, just as there will be those who support Clinton and those who support Trump.  Is it possible to talk to others and to listen to the reasons why they hold their opinion?  Is it possible to understand their point of view – really understand it – so that we can see the value that stands behind what they are saying?  The Code says, “I will respect the dignity of every human being…” and “I will be a positive influence on the other relationships on the team.”  It’s easy to put people into boxes, or categories; it’s one of the gimmicks the media uses to stir things up.  It’s always more difficult to see the world from the point of view of the person with whom we disagree, and to be a positive influence when strong opinions are held by many.  Are you open to those challenges?

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